... but without the rain!
I know we're all getting itchy to pick up the racquet!
But we'll be waiting a little longer in hopes of a safe outcome for more people.
Maybe not everyone knows but this virus is so easily transmitted that we could be passing it to someone before we even know we're infected. And one less person infected means many, thousands less people to treat in a few weeks.
As soon as we're able to open the club we'll turn on signups on the web and tell you when opening day will be.
In case you need the links to official news ...
-> Daily City updates are available on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/insidecityofhamilton (Usually broadcast at 3:30 pm – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, they remain on the site for later viewing. Wednesday’s update is at 7:00 pm, in the form of a "Town Hall", and is available on YouTube and Cogeco Cable 14) -> City updates: www.hamilton.ca/coronavirus -> City Closure updates: www.hamilton.ca/covidclosures -> Provincial updates: www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus -> Federal updates: www.canada.ca/coronavirus