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Welcome to
Dundas Tennis Club

Offering tennis courts and programs in beautiful Dundas Driving Park, membership open to all!

Register online for membership and junior programs, lessons, leagues and more.

Whether you want to improve your athletic performance, get in shape, or have some fun with your family and friends, come on down to Dundas Tennis Club and hit the courts with us!


100 Years of Tennis Service



Reach out to for sign up information.


-Important Dates-

Tournament dates have been confirmed for 2024, so mark your calendars! 


Mixed Doubles: July 15 - 20

Singles: August 19 -24

Doubles: September 9-14


Other Important Dates for Reference:


May: Every Saturday Junior Free Lessons; Adult Free Beginner/Novice new to tennis lessons.

Mid June-August: Dundas Museum displaying Dundas Tennis Club memorabilia

all month, free admission!

June 1: Junior Fun Day

June 7: Friday Night Auction and party - DTC 100-year Celebration

June 8: Parade, Ribbon-cutting - DTC 100 years celebration 

July 1: Rotary Club Pancake breakfast/DTC Open House

July 27: Junior Tournament 12-3 PM 

Aug 15: Cactus Fest Parade DTC float? (Fest:16th - 18th)

Sept/Oct: End of Season Celebration

Who are we?

Dundas Tennis Club is a community-based, volunteer-operated club with the responsibility of running and maintaining the tennis facilities in Dundas Driving Park.


Our Objectives are to:

  1. Provide fun tennis programs as required by the membership.

  2. Encourage entry into the sport and its continuation as a life-long activity.

  3. Ensure a financially sound operation.

  4. Plan for continuity in operations and facilities.

  5. Advise the City on the condition of the club facilities.

Court Rules & Etiquette

For a more comprehensive list,

please see our Policies and Procedures:


Non-marking tennis shoes must be worn on the courts. Proper sports attire is to be worn.



Please wait for a break in play before interrupting others for whatever reason.

Avoid walking behind another court when play is in progress.

Be mindful of stray balls rolling onto your court and return them to their source.

Keep distractions to a minimum. 

Reserving Courts


  1. Courts may only be booked by club members through the on-line booking system.

  2. Members taking lessons or playing in special events/programs may not book those courts until that particular activity has finished.

  3. If the court you are playing on is not claimed, and there are no others waiting for a court to open up, you may continue on it until the court becomes booked or until the owner of the court (the person who booked the court) arrives to claim their court.

  4. Members who are booking while using the Club’s computer at the clubhouse are asked to reserve the court where the players have been on the longest.

  5. League matches and organized Club events have priority.

  6. One or more court(s) is reserved for the Club Pro for lessons and clinics; it may be used by members when it is not being used by the Pro.

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